My Service

What Can Be Expected From A Session With Me.


There are many facets to my service. Each facet, listed on this page, will be available to you in each session. However, it is where you’re coming from, in your own life-journey, that will determine which facets I will utilize. Those who are above a 100 in the E.F.C. (Emotional Frequency Chart) may be able to go directly into a past-life journey if they have no parasitic attachments on their emotional, energetic, and/or auric bodies.  On the other hand, those who are below a 100 on this chart will need a more customized approach, utilizing the many facets designed to alleviate the negative, and then rebalance the energetic bodies. The reason for this is, if you are below a 100, you most likely have negative energies occupying your energetic-space. The three main reasons you could be at a low-point, which will prohibit you from visiting another part of your soul and another life, are Grief, trauma and entity-attachment. These will stop you from connecting to your other lives because your heart-chakra and energy-centers will be negatively impacted, which will fracture your aura. This, in turn, will be the reason you will not be able to go directly into a past life. This is a preventative, set in place by the divine, to avoid tainting your other lives or becoming an unintentional bridge that will allow parasitic energies to attach to other parts of your soul, which ultimately will hurt your entire soul-branch.

My Services

Past Life Regression

Regardless of whether you want to know why your current life is not a joyous one, or whether you were a unicorn in a past life, you will leave with a memory that will stay with you for the remainder of this life. A memory that will make this life easier, more tolerable, more understandable and possibly more exciting. You will get a glimpse of why you face the hurdles you face, in this lifetime, by seeing how you karmically contributed to this experience from the decisions you have made in other lives. You will learn how those decisions have helped pave the way for this lifetime. Your higher-self will naturally guide you to the most pertinent lifetime that you need to see in order to give Clarity in your present lifetime. Once you cross that barrier, you will get Closure, and a sense of peace. Also, at the discretion of your higher self, you may even be able to relieve some of those karmic debts and obtain more freedom in this lifetime.

Galactic And Sould Family Reunion

Since birth, have the ways of this society confused you? Has this social structure, along with it’s clown-show of a hierarchy, baffled your mind? Have you experienced being in the comforts of your own home, while feeling homesick? Basically, do you feel like you just don’t belong here? Well then guess what? You most likely don’t! If you feel compelled to know the origins of your past, and where home truly is, then you will be able to achieve this and get closure, understanding and peace-of-mind regarding where you have come from and why you are here.

Cord Cutting

This is one of the facets of my service that you are guaranteed to get in each and every one of my sessions. This is assuming you have any energetic cords attached to you at the time of the service, that are draining your energy. Although Cord-attachments are common and easy to accrue, they are also easy to cut and remove, when aided by our guides. Unwanted cords are typically from other people who are energy-drainers, as well as non-human or non-physical energetic-vampires. Keep in mind that cords connecting you to other people could be from relationships you have ended long ago, but the cords were never severed. Unwanted energetic cords can cause illness, misfortune, expedited-aging and low self-esteem. Cords can also cause blockages in specific areas of your life.

Void Hassling Past-Life Promises/Contracts You Made In a Past Life

The consequences derived from past-life promises, and contracts, can be quite devastating or flat-out annoying. These are any troublesome-vows you have made in your previous lifetimes, such as those of poverty, self-sacrifice and chastity. These vows, made in your past, will hold you down and prohibit you from having certain experiences. For this service I will be mainly using the help of archangel raziel and the help of your higher-self to dissolve any troublesome vows, you have made in your previous lifetimes, that no longer suit your present situation, or the divine plan of source-creator.


Grief releasement

Grief is a state of mind that sits at a very low frequency-level on the energy-frequency-chart. If you are heavily grieving, then it will be dealt with on your first session. This is because it must be resolved before you can travel through your other soul-branches. This negative energy can spread if you don’t resolve it before traveling to other parts of your soul. That said, your healing will begin with reuniting, with your loved-one, so you can say what you want to say, and so your loved-one can say what they wanted to say, before they left. Once this is done, you will have a renewed sense of peace, knowing that your loved-one is in the safety and the light of the Divine. After your reunion, I will then assist in the repair and realignment of any fracturing the grief has caused your heart-centre and other centres of your energetic, and auric bodies. Also, after we obtain this connection, you will be able to visit your loved-one whenever you want, moving forward.

Trauma Healing

If you have any form of trauma that you have not dealt with, or released, then we will be dealing with it on the first session. Trauma is debilitating, whether it be physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally, and must be healed then released. Otherwise, you will not be able to travel to other significant parts of your soul-branch and see what you need to see. Also, trauma can leave behind open-fragments in your energetic and auric fields that will eventually draw in more parasitic energies. These parasitic energies will make it more difficult to release that trauma. If this is your case, then those parasites will be removed before your energetic bodies are realigned and sealed.

Phobia release


Many times, phobias and their causes are not readily transparent. Many times, they are a catalyst to a deeper issue. For example, phobias can sometimes follow you from your immediate past-life, due to a violent, or traumatic exit. Phobias can come from your fragmented self, if your energetic-body is fragmented, which means parts of you are elsewhere. Phobias can come from another part of you that is living another lifetime, simultaneously. Phobias can come from an entity that decided to hitch a ride with you. Phobias can come from traumas that you are not willing to face, which would be the result of transference. Transference is when the mind focuses on a different part of an unpleasant incident, and turns it into the main phobia. This manufactured-phobia is then used as a shield to cover-up the trauma as a means to protect you. If your subconscious feels you are not ready to know, then it will hide the trauma behind transference as a survival response. If this is your case, you will find that you get triggered and reminded of that phobia when it shouldn’t be triggered, or at a time that it would make no sense to have that phobia triggered. This is the subconscious mind’s way of scaring you away from looking any deeper. If you have a phobia that is debilitating, or gets in the way of you living a peaceful life, then I highly encourage you to bring it up in our discussion. Phobias can often be doorways leading to many answers that will solve the core-issues and problems you may, unknowingly, be dealing with.

Addictions And Life-Debilitating Habits

Any cravings or bad habits that you wish to be free of, will be redirected to ensure that you no longer need to adhere to that addiction. You will no longer have a neurological need for it and will only need to break the habits, moving forward, which will be very easy once the heavy persuasion has been removed. After our session, it will still be your choice whether you will want to pick up that cigarette, or drink, in the future. You will still have the free-will to do what you did in the past, to satiate that previous addiction, but it will be from your choosing and not from the loss of a struggle. It will no longer be a need that is wired into you, because the wiring will be neurologically undone. Also, if your addiction is due to the attachment of dark entities that have been coaxing you, then they will also be dealt with and removed. That said, you will find that if you choose to continue a vice, after a session, then you are doing it out of habit. 

Removal Of Dark-Energies And Parasites


If you are at 150 or lower on the emotional-frequency-chart, then you are an easy target for an entity-attachment. Meaning, if a dark-entity has an interest in attaching to you, then it will be in a position where it can easily do it. When you reside in the lower frequencies, you are open to these types of attachments. This is not to say that you always need to be at that frequency to get an attachment. It means that if, at any point, you dip to that level, and you are in the presence of an interested entity, then you will be open to having that entity transfer to you. Oftentimes, entities in other people, who are interested in jumping on to you, will cause that person to do something, to you, that will drop your vibrations so they can jump on board. It could be something simple like the host-person suddenly gets the urge to give you an uninvited comment that puts you in a lower vibration, and thus vulnerable. Once you are vulnerable, it can attach. Once attached, it will try to keep your vibrations lower, which feeds it and allows more entities to attach because the fracture can’t heal. Lower vibrations can also open you up to black-magic attacks, as well as 4th dimensional implants. Oftentimes, 4D implants are placed in your throat-chakra, then operated from an entity residing in one of your arms, or sacral chakra. This entity will then activate the implant in order to choke you up if, and when you attempt to express light and love with your voice and your words.

Earthbound-Spirit Attachment, Removal

Unlike demonic or dark entities, earthbound spirits will typically not have malice towards you but will become a part of you which may cause you to take on all of their undelt-with-issues, and vices as your own. As far as effect goes, this can be just as bad as having a parasitic entity attached to you. If you have a lot of attachments, then removal may require the full 2-hour service because, once removed, you will need to be healed, sealed and balanced to reverse the damages that have accrued. Also, you won’t be able to go to another lifetime if you have an entity attached. If you did, you would be like an infection, spreading a virus to the other parts of your soul which could be devastating.

Soul And Personality Fragmentation


This can be a very complex topic, so to put it simply, Soul-fragmentation is when parts of your energetic body have separated from you. These are parts that should be with you to complete you, but instead, are somewhere else or with someone else. Not only is this fragment a missing part of you, but it is also drawing energy from the rest of you, to sustain. The symptoms of Soul-fragmentation can pertain to a plethora of physical, mental and emotional conditions that may be taking place, and not Soul-fragmentation. Therefore, to list it all may mislead you. That said, Soul-fragmentation is not uncommon, and if you are dealing with Soul-fragmentation, then during our session, those parts will be found, cleansed, and reintegrated back into your being. As a result, you will regain the benefits of being whole again. You will once again feel full of life, energy and excitement.

Unlike Soul-fragmentation, dissociative identity disorder is less common. There are two key symptoms that people with D.I.D. struggle with. The first is a loss of time. Loss of time ranges from several hours to several months, depending on the complexity of your situation. The second symptom is confusion in most of your relationships. For example, someone you don’t know walks up to you and knows you by a different name. Maybe you go to work, only to find out that you were fired the day before. Another indicator would be if  you can name a list of people who you knew for a long time, who completely, and suddenly changed overnight. This change is then followed by these individuals acting distant towards you, or overly aggressive. That said, If you think this is you then please keep in mind that D.I.D. is more of an extreme issue which will take several sessions to resolve, depending on its complexity.

Higher-Self Guidance

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The bringing forward and communicating with your higher self comes standard with my past life regression service. If you have specific questions for your higher self, then they will be asked directly to your higher self. Most people only have a few main concerns that they need answers to, or guidance on. However, some clients have many questions, “more than 10,” and want a direct one-on-one conversation with their higher self for advice and guidance. Depending on various factors, this service should provide you with (anywhere between) 90 to 120 minutes of conversation time with your higher self, if you choose to dedicate your session to communicating with your higher self. Keep in mind that you will still require an entity clean up, a chakra rebuild and an aura seal before we can do this service. This is to assure that what is coming through is your true authentic higher self and not an energetic parasite, trying to lead you astray.

Chakra Rejuvenation

Whatever it is that you have been struggling with, Be it Grief, Guilt, Shame, Trauma, Fragmentation, Attachments, Entities, Parasites or Implants, your chakras will be out of balance and will need to be tuned back to their original, harmonious frequencies. I will aid in the realignments of your chakras with the use of remote, crystal healing, alongside with your guides and my team. Once your chakras are aligned, balanced, vibrant and harmonious, your life will become aligned, balanced, vibrant and harmonious.

My Qualifications And Reference-Tools

Certified Hypnotist

I am an experienced hypnotist, certified by the “Advanced Mind Development Center,” as of 1998.

Certified S.C.H.H Practitioner


I have been trained and certified by Laura Whitworth, who is the creator of “Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H ®).” Laura created S.C.H.H by combining past life regression practices with quantum healing techniques, resulting in a technique that takes care of everything! Over the years, Laura has encountered many situations that are not covered in many popular past life regression techniques. For example, there are those who might have trauma from this lifetime, or another, that needs to be worked through before progressing into past lives. Also, there are those who might have entity, or energetic attachments that do not allow them to progress successfully into the necessary, theta brainwave-state. If this is the case, then these individuals need their traumas healed, their entity attachments taken off, their chakras re-built and all their energetic-bodies re-sealed before we are able to progress into a past life regression. Laura’s S.C.H.H. Technique ensures that all traumas and entities are dealt with and that any necessary, energetic adjustments are made prior to us embarking on a past life regression journey. This journey is then followed by the answering of the individual’s questions, by their higher self.

Metaphysical Anatomy Is Used For My Primary Health-Reference

Metaphysical anatomy is a reference tool that I will be using, that will help me translate what your body is trying to tell you. Your body is always talking to you and sometimes it talks to you via pain, sickness, or any other undesirable symptom. This is because you are harboring deep traumas and emotions that have been overwhelming you, for some time. Once we know what your body is saying, we will know what and where the root of the problem is. Once we know what and where the root of the problem is, I can quickly implement a strategy that will rid you of the pain for good, because you will be free from your traumas and deep, hidden emotions associated with that pain, which is causing that pain. In layman’s terms, the ongoing pains you may be feeling is your body’s way of crying for help to make specific lifestyle changes. 

I'm A Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner

Unbeknownst to many, psychological-therapists choose their profession because they’re the ones who need the help. As a result of their own internal conflict being strong-armed by their ego, they justify their interest in self-preservation as a calling to help others. This, in turn, causes stagnation in their clients’ therapy because they refuse to let go of their own limiting beliefs and programs. If the one in charge does not take this responsibility, then the session goes nowhere. With Ho’oponopono, I clear the field before we even meet for our one-on-one consultation. Rest assured that any blockages that you may be dealing with will not be caused by myself or any past memories that we are both holding onto. This is because I will have them all cleared before our session. To put it simply, I won’t get in the way of your progress because I will have removed any bad memories we could have shared in a past lifetime, before we meet.

My Team Who I Will Be Working With

Archangel Ariel (Angel Of Nature)

Archangel Azrael (Angel Who Comforts)

Archangel Barachiel (Angel Of Miracles)

Archangel Chamuel (Angel Of Courage)

Archangel Gabriel (Angel Of Messages)

Archangel Haniel (Angel Of Glory)

Archangel Jeremiel (Angel Of Mercy)

Archangel Jophiel (Angel Of Beauty)

Archangel Michael (Angel Who Protects)

Archangel Muriel (Angel Of Flowers And Perfume

Archangel Raguel (Angel Of Peace)

Archangel Raphael (Angel Who heals)

Archangel Raziel (Angel Of Secrets)

Archangel Sachiel (Angel For Money)

Archangel Taharial (Angel Of Purity)

Archangel Uriel (Angel Of Wisdom)

Archangel Zadkiel (Angel Of Mercy)

Quan Yin (Goddess Of Compassion)

Author And Researcher Of The Law Of Manifestation

Not too long after I became certified in hypnosis did my interests shift from helping others, via hypnotherapy, to figuring out how to solidify the bridge between creating new beliefs and manifesting, deliberately. My efforts and energies then shifted towards understanding the basis of manifestation. After years of research and testing, I created a system and wrote a book based on how to manifest deliberately, via motivation. Manifesting deliberately, via motivation, suggests the obtaining of a specific, predetermined-lifestyle that can be envisioned by an individual. Once envisioned, that individual must resonate with the frequency of that reality in order to obtain that reality. To put that in layman’s terms, you will have it, and you will live it when you belong to it. That said, “A feeling of belonging” is a book based on how to belong to the reality you desire to partake in.

As a practitioner of Ho’oponopono, I would like to add that if you want to take the easier (and more fun) route in manifesting, (via inspiration) then I highly recommend you learn Ho’oponopono. It will change your life. Ho’oponopono is the practice of consistently clearing out old memories from your current life, your past lives, and the ancestral memories in your genes. As you clear your path, you remove all the obstacles getting in the way of your connection to the divine.


I mention Ho’oponopono because my book is a bit on the technical side, making it more suitable for those who have attempted at deliberate-manifestation and failed, but still really wish to know the science on how to manifest deliberately, via motivation. If you would like to check out my book, and/or purchase, then click the link below to view my Amazon listing.

As for what I can offer in my service, (per your request) I can help you clear blockages that are blocking your energetic flow. This, in turn, will help you transition a lot smoother through life’s obstacles with a state of mind that is compatible with obtaining the results you desire most, from the options your destiny permits. That being said, and regardless of your interests in manifestation, all my clients will receive an energy-clearing, (on my own time) before our session, using Ho’oponopono. 


P.S. I created a pen-name because I had no idea there are so many Michael Adamo’s on the internet. Therefore, I created an abstract name to help people find my site, easily, after reading my articles.

Cost Per Session: $100


Let it be known that Michael Adamo is a catalyst, only a catalyst, and nothing more than a catalyst. All healing that will accrue, as a result from a session with Michael Adamo, is a result of him being a catalyst who allows the healing-energies from the Divine to flow through. Therefore, Michael Adamo, himself, is not the healer or will ever claim to be the healer. All healing that takes place will be done by the will of the Divine. Michael Adamo is not a medical-doctor or a psychologist. Michael Adamo is just the tour guide.


Michael Adamo makes no expressed or implied guarantees of results, in so far as human behavior cannot be predicted. The public is duly informed that, as individuals vary, so do results. Any information provided by clients and customers of Michael Adamo is kept strictly confidential.